Maryland Medical Malpractice

In Maryland, you may have been a victim of medical negligence if a doctor or health care professional did something, or failed to do something, that a reasonably prudent doctor, or other health care professional in that field, would or would not do under the same or similar circumstances.
Injuries that arise from medical malpractice can be minor, serious or even fatal. Hal Murnane and his associates are experienced in handling medical malpractice cases, and are dedicated to helping injured victims and families of victims recover fair and just compensation for injuries suffered.
In addition to doctors, medical malpractice can also cover hospitals, nurses, dentists, psychiatrists, pharmacists, and nursing homes.
The medical malpractice cases our Mr. Murnane has handled are:
- Failure to diagnose illness, such as cancer
- Childbirth injuries
- Effects from improper treatment, like paralysis
- Death of infants
- Surgical mistakes resulting in injury or death
- and more...
If you believe that you or a someone you love has been a victim of medical malpractice because a doctor or health care professional deviated from an acceptable standard of care, please call our Murnane & O'Neill today at (410) 761-6800 to speak with a member of our staff.